The Knowledge Center

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The CoreNet Global Knowledge Center is the single source for corporate real estate (CRE) research. This important resource contains original research, member organization publications, market reports, and CRE-specific research reports and white papers.

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Let's Give Them Something to Talk About… How About Purpose

As leaders in commercial real estate, we have been tasked over the years to strategize about portfolios, oversee planning, design to construction, forecast and analyze facility needs and the list goes on based on our role in industry. These demands, however, continue to increase and the stakes have never been higher! Those stakes; Employee attraction, engagement, and retention. A vital part of the talent conversation today is the ability to elevate a sense of connectedness and purpose for our current and prospective talent OR risk losing out on that talent for and within our organizations. As real estate leaders and industry professionals, how do we do this and why does our role matter in this conversation? Isn't this a human resources issue? No way – let’s shift our perspective - as commercial real estate leaders and industry professionals, Let's Give Them Something to Talk About! Let’s explore, discover and define how to further impact and elevate a greater sense of connectedness and purpose for our employees; specifically focusing in and around holistic well-being and sustainability strategies within our corporate real estate portfolio. We will peal back the opportunities that each one of us have before us to ignite an engaged workplace through leadership, strategy and discover ways our own individual physical real estate can play a role. Let’s Give Them Purpose to Talk About!
Change Management Denver2023 Employee Engagement Leadership & Management KCO KC