Addressing Uncertainty With a Bias Towards Action
The past 3 years have seen an upheaval around workplace analytics and strategy. Prognosticators abound regarding the “future of work.” This session will look at business and the how, where, and when it happens using the Federal government’s massive real estate portfolio as a reference point and relating it to the general marketplace. The U.S. General Services Administration’s Commissioner of Public Buildings, the Chief Architect, and the CIO, a unified team of visionaries in leadership, design, and technology, will discuss the integration of people, place, and technology in service of mission, return on investment, and the recruitment and retention of talent. The panel will describe how it has moved GSA from traditional linear design to a fully integrated design strategy that at times can be 10% technology and 90% sociology. The session will address change management and the cyber security requirements that are fundamental to integrating technology into the workplace.