2022 marks 20 years of CoreNet Global.

Since the beginning, CoreNet Global has strived to advance the practice of corporate real estate through professional development opportunities, publications, research, conferences, chapters, and networking groups and to serve as the profession’s voice and thought leader and champion the profession’s development and maturity.

Corporate Real Estate Week celebrates the strategic role that the corporate real estate (CRE) profession plays within the corporate infrastructure and inform the global business community about how the work of corporate real estate professionals shapes the workplace, employee wellness and safety, the implementation of new technologies for the built environment, and even the interplay of urban planning and corporate site location decisions.

Please join us on April 18-22, 2022 to celebrate those professionals engaged in the practice and support of corporate real estate.

Participation Map

Corporate Real Estate Week Celebrations Around the Globe



For additional information, please contact membership@corenetglobal.org