Brazil Pushes Green Building Forward

New Report From CoreNet Global Details Emergence of Green Initiatives; Notes Continued Challenges

ATLANTA, GA  -- MARCH 14, 2016 -- Brazil has made notable strides in advancing sustainable building practices across a myriad of property types from office buildings and manufacturing plants to shopping centers and government buildings, according to a new research report from CoreNet Global. But the report also notes that Brazil remains in the early stages of strengthening that green building movement, and the country has significant environmental challenges to overcome.

There are hopes that the green building agenda will move quickly, with several public sector initiatives in the works:  

  • State-owned companies are beginning to demand sustainability strategies and certifications of their new projects.
  • A new law was approved in 2014 that requires all new federal buildings to adopt the Procel Edifi a label, which is the Brazilian Labeling Program for Energy Efficiency of Buildings.
  • Several cities, including some of the major state capitals such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Recife, have started to encourage sustainable construction through tax reduction programs for certified buildings or buildings that provide evidence of their adoption of sustainability practices.
  • The mayor of São Paulo city passed a bill in 2015 establishing tax incentives for a “green” property tax. The New Master Plan of São Paulo also is considering creating tax incentives for LEED certified buildings and other projects that improve the environment by adding green surfaces and improving drainage on the site.

Yet Brazil also faces a number of environmental challenges, notably its poor sanitation, wastewater treatment and waste collection practices that have been a significant issue for the country. Rio’s Guanabara Bay has been a high profile example of those problematic water quality issues. It has been widely reported that the bay, which will host some of the rowing events for the upcoming Olympic 2016 summer games, tested positive for containing raw sewage.

Brazil has also experienced a drought. So, water reservoirs and supply have been top of mind

Despite these challenges, “green building is continuing to expand in Brazil as various organizations and individuals continue to work to promote education and encourage incentives for sustainable building practices in both new construction and renovation of existing buildings,“ according to the report.

For a full copy of the report, contact David Harrison at

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David Harrison
CoreNet Global
+1 410.804.1728